Anna Diamantopoulou

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CopenhagenAnna Diamantopoulou participated in the Conference on Progressive Governance entitled "Towards Growth and Shared Prosperity". The panel participants who spoke:

Joel Benenson, American pollster and founder, Benenson Strategy Group. Obama’s lead pollster, guided presidential campaign 2008.
Olaf Cramme (Chair),
director of Policy Network
Gordon Bajnai,
leader of “Together 2014” and former prime minister of Hungary. Former head of National Development agency, minister of Ministry of Local Government and minister at the ministry of National Development and Economic Affairs.
Martien Kuitenbrouwer,
Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) president, District Council of West Amsterdam
Marlon Marshall,
former deputy national field director, Obama 2012


Anna Diamantopoulou, 2012. Content is distributed with a CC A-NC-ND-Gr-3.0 licence